Get the new album

"Victims of Insanity"


Defeat your INNER ENEMY

Inner Enemy, the hard and heavy harmony of four characters who have one thing in common: liquid steel in their veins.
In October 2014, the band from the south of Austria was completed and has been dedicated to heavy metal ever since.

Inner Enemy are:

Manuel Lukasser - lead vocals, guitars
Philipp Herrnegger - additional vocals, drums
Markus Gander - guitars
Sascha Walder - bass, backing vocals

After a few initial metal covers to get them together, the four musicians soon discovered the potential to play their own songs.

Precious alloys, forged from various elements of heavy metal, turn Inner Enemy songs into powerful, neck-tugging hymns. Catchy rhythms and catchy choruses usually remain a prominent feature of the composition. A few German parts are mixed in with the mostly English lyrics for certain messages, which gives Inner Enemy songs even more recognition value. Deeper themes, such as injustice towards the weaker, thoughts about the future of our planet, the decadence of mankind but also gratitude for life in our western world, play a major role.

Conclusion - ranting and cheering under a passionate sound thunder.


After a lot of time writing, arranging, rehearsing and a lot of sweat, tears and beers, we are proud to release our first full length album "Victims of Insanity".
Available on your favorite streaming platform as well as on CD in June 2024!

Let us know how you like the songs and - P L A Y  I T  L O U D!!!

Get the album @!


Date City Location Event
14.05.2025 Velden - Kärnten - AT Bluesiana Rock Cafe Velden Support for Vicious Rumors (US)
26.04.2025 Ainet - Tirol - AT Gemeindesaal Ainet Jägermetla 2025
11.01.2025 Brixen - IT Kulturzentrum ASTRA Steel From The Alps Vol.3
27.12.2024 Lienz - Tirol - AT Kolping Lienz Steel From The Alps Vol.2 - Heavy X-MAS Party
08.11.2024 Klagenfurt - Kärnten - AT VZ Klagenfurt - Crushing Klagenfurt Steel From The Alps Vol.1
05.10.2024 Irschen - Kärnten - AT Bearclaw Festival Bearclaw Festival 2024
12.07.2024 Oberlienz - Tirol - AT Rockoverlienz - Open Air Rockoverlienz 2024
06.07.2024 Kolbnitz - Kärnten - AT Heavy Mölltol - Open Air Heavy Mölltol 2024
04.05.2024 Mittersill - Salzburg - AT Hurricanes MC - Clubhaus Wageralm Saisoneröffnungsparty
26.08.2023 Milland - Brixen - IT Fußballplatz Milland Rock Fest Milland 2023
06.05.2023 Oberlienz - Tirol - AT Gasthaus Mosmeir Wirt's Garten-Fete 2023